
Let's customize your experience


Let’s keep your account safe and sound


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Additional SharePlay accounts can be created using this verified email address

Phone Number

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Enable additional account creation

Additional SharePlay accounts can be created using this verified phone number


Let’s keep your account safe and sound


This phone number is linked to your account

Two Factor Authentication

Add an extra layer of security to your Twitch account by using your password and a code on your mobile phone to log in.


Manage your privacy settings and control who can see your information

Blocked Users

Blocking a user will:
  • Prevent them from sending you whispers
  • Prevent them from hosting you
  • Prevent them from purchasing gift subs for other users in your channel
  • Filter their messages out of chats you don’t moderate

Filter blocked users or add additional users


Blocked Users

You currently have 3 blocked users

Block Whispers from Strangers

Block whispers from strangers unless you whisper them first. A stranger is anyone who is NOT: someone you follow, someone you subscribe to, one of your mods, or one of your editors.

Block Receiving Gifts on Channels You don't Follow

Block incoming gift subscriptions to channels you don't follow

Hide Progressive Gifter Badge and Gifts Given Count

Do not show upgraded gifter badges or the number of Gift Subscriptions you have given in channels where you are eligible

Hide Subscription Status in Chat Viewer Card

Do not show your Subscription status (tier or duration) for any particular channel in your profile or chat card

Hide Founder Badge

Do not show Founder Badge in channels where you are eligible